Neck Pain- What Can You Do About It?
Are you having neck pain? Neck tension is one of the top reasons we treat clients at Blue Water Bodywork. The term we like to use around the studio is “Tech Neck”. Most of us are sitting at a desk all day with our heads down and shoulders slumped forward staring at a monitor or a phone or some type of wireless device. This constant tilting forward of the head is called a chronic holding pattern. This particular holding pattern creates two problems. First, It causes the neck muscles in the anterior or front portion of the neck to become locked short. It’s kind of like the muscles are stuck in a shortened or contracted state. Next, the tight or short muscles in the front create elongated or overstretched muscles in the posterior or back of the neck. When ever a muscle or set up muscles in a contracted or shortened state, the antagonist or opposite muscle or set of muscles has no choice but to do the opposite. These overstretched muscles become rigid and weak and create tension on t...